The Story of Australia: Volume 12 – Federation



Available for Digital Download
Formatted for Windows or Mac

School Price
$40 with an unlimited site licence

(An unlimited site licence allows installation on a server network and/or any number of computers within the school, including personal computers of enrolled students, and allows students to retain, and/or burn to disk, a working copy of their project for their personal record.)

Federation – History Project is centered on a twelve minute audio-visual narrative that combines drawings, narration, music and sound effects to give a broad overview of the history of Australian Federation.

Federation – History Project is designed to fully meet the requirements of the F-10 National History Curriculum for Australian schools at Year 5 and Year 6 .

The program develops students’ historical knowledgeunderstanding and skills in response to the key inquiry questions of the F-10 National History Curriculum for Year 5 – The Australian Colonies

  1. What do we know about the lives of people in Australia’s colonial past and how do we know?
  2. How did an Australian colony develop over time and why?
  3. How did colonial settlement change the environment?
  4. What were the significant events and who were the significant people that shaped Australian colonies?

and Year 6- Australia as a Nation

  1. Why and how did Australia become a nation?
  2. How did Australian society change throughout the twentieth century?
  3. Who were the people who came to Australia? Why did they come?
  4. What contribution have significant individuals and groups made to the development of Australian society?